We make you live a fun and unique experience

Wedding photographer in Verona?

Verona: the city of love, perfect location to tell your wedding dream.


If you do not want a wedding monologue in your wedding photographs, Verona is the right location! Photographing yourself in the “city of love” means living a fairytale enjoying the warm embrace of its people. SWP is this, sharing and humanity.

“Pleasant Verona! With its beautiful old palaces, and charming country in the distance, seen form terrace walks, and stately, balustraded galleries. With its Roman gates, still spanning the fair street, and casting, on the sunlight of to-day, the shade of fifteen hundred years ago. With its marble-fitted churches, lofty towers, rich architecture, and quaint old quiet thoroughfares, where shouts of Montagues and Capultes once resounded…”(Charles Dickens)

Paul Valéry, Charles Dickens, Walter Benjamin and William Shakespeare are just some of the authors inspired by the beauties of Verona in these centuries. A magical and romantic city rich in history, tradition, a city with a thousand faces that has been able to renew and modernize itself without losing its link with its historicity. Making a SWP photo shoot on the streets of Verona means immersing yourself in a city full of vitality and determination, romance and culture. Piazza Bra, Piazza delle Erbe, the Arena, Via Mazzini, Castelvecchio and of course the house of Juliet with its famous balcony are the most famous places in Verona. Tradition says that visit it and leave a love note between the joints of its bricks brings luck to lovers.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer in Verona, SWP can make you live a fun and unique experience.


The historic center has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its architecture and urban structure. Retracting it in SWP key means enhancing its characteristics and placing your emotion at the center. The charm of its bridges over the Adige river, its streets full of people and its wonderful buildings are the perfect setting for a romantic SWP couple photo shoot.

Verona is a very special place for our Studio because it was the first city we have portrayed with our SWP newlyweds. It turned out to be a beautiful experience not only for the pricelessness of the setting, but for the warm welcome of the people who shared with us really exciting moments: along Via Mazzini some ladies who were doing some shopping became the bride’s assistants helping her with the dress; at Piazza delle Erbe every passerby whispered a word of good luck to the couple; during the sunset on Ponte Vecchio we met a street musician who sang a serenade. Happy looks and joy in our heart for an unforgettable dance, surrounded by the spontaneous affection of passersby in an extraordinary location.


People’s reaction is surprising: the white dress stops everything for a moment, puts the rush on hold, gives a moment of lightness and tells a dream. This is also SWP…


> Find out more about us! Enjoy other SWP wedding sessions in Veneto area.

Padua: the promise of Alessandra and Giovanni A sweet and romantic request from Alessandra and Giovanni who contacted us to make a photo shoot in Padua to capture their promise. A very special day for them.

Couple portrait in Vicenza A photographic session which has been really fun and full of personality, lived with great enthusiasm by everyone.




Nowadays there are a lot of photographers who sell themselves as “spontaneous” searching for people’s emotions. What sets SWP apart from the other photo shoot is the personal nature of Matteo and Marco, who would put anyone at ease and in addition to their expert eye for lights and geometries. They are not traditional photographers, who “steal” newlyweds for hours. They are very careful to let people enjoy the day with their friends and their relatives. They are always ready to capture al l the emotions and details of the day even if almost invisible.

Street wedding photography e fotografia di matrimonio. Il Blog di Street Wedding Photography i professionisti della fotografia di strada



We never done a photo shoot before the wedding, so I feared to have the possible reaction of a “runk” , but with SWP everything is in photographer’s hands. The ability of Matteo and Marco is to always make you feel at ease… you don’t even notice the presence of the “photographer”, actually. There is a friend with you, who helps you to deeply live your day without making you feel uncomfortable.



Non avrei mai creduto di riuscire a fare una cosa del genere, invece sarei andato avanti per ore: è stato divertente e mi ha meravigliato la reazione delle persone. perfetti estranei che ci salutavano, si fermavano a farci gli auguri, volevano una foto con noi. Per non parlare di tutti quelli che da casa hanno seguito la nostra avventura. Vorremmo usare quatto parole per descrivere quello che per noi è stata l’esperienza con SWP: 1 emozionante 2 imprevedibile 3 originale 4 divertente.


For any information here is how to find us:

For any sort of information write and tell us how you are planning your big day!